How to Prep for General Conference
The spiritual high we get after general conference is one of those feelings we really wish we could bottle up and pull out during the tough moments—we all have them!
If you, like so many of us, are still wrangling kids through a new routine since school started again, trying to stay on top of work projects, or working through any other number of things that keep our lives so hectic, it’s probably hard to prepare mentally and spiritually for conference weekend. We get it! And we could all use a little help finding resources and tools to get ready for this special semiannual weekend.
Below you’ll find a list of ideas and resources we pulled together to help you prepare for general conference weekend. If you want more ideas, including printouts and activities, you can also download a free copy of our Fall 2019 Conference Packet or pick it up at any Deseret Book store.
Books for deeper understanding
Insights from a Prophet’s Life: Russell M. Nelson
by Sheri Dew
What kind of life preparation does the Lord give the men He will one day call to be prophet? And what are the lessons to be learned from such a life?
Insights from a Prophet's Life: Russell M. Nelson offers a candid view of President Russell M. Nelson, the seventeenth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, from childhood to the current day. More than a biography, this landmark volume invites readers to experience President Nelson's life through dozens of brief vignettes and hundreds of photographs. Each episode highlights an important lesson; taken together, they weave a captivating story of a man prepared in a unique way to lead the Church in our day.
A Case for the Book of Mormon
by TAd R. Callister
Before The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints was officially organized, its keystone was in place. That keystone, the Book of Mormon, has been shared, studied, respected, and embraced by millions of people the world over. It has also been scrutinized, analyzed, dismissed, even ridiculed by critics for nearly 200 years.
In this volume, bestselling author Tad Callister offers a comprehensive overview of many of the critics' claims and provides carefully reasoned explanations that shed new light on the discussion. He presents compelling evidence, both physical and spiritual, for the authenticity of the Book of Mormon and invites readers on a spiritual journey that promises a witness stronger than any intellectual argument could create.
The Holy Spirit
by Robert L. Millet
"Suppose we had the teachings, covenants, ordinances, organizational structure, apostolic leadership, and missionary system of the current Church and yet there was no gift of the Holy Ghost? What then?" asks author Robert L. Millet.
As Brother Millet shows us in this engaging and doctrinally sound discussion, the Holy Spirit is intimately involved in every aspect and facet of the gospel of Jesus Christ. He is, for example, a revelator, teacher, testifier, comforter, agent of the new birth, sanctifier, and sealer, to name only a few of His roles. In The Holy Spirit, Brother Millet focuses our attention on the person of the Holy Ghost and examines His varied assignments in a way that is both spiritually strengthening and intellectually enlarging. Nothing has been written about the Holy Spirit with as much breadth and depth for decades.
The Priesthood Power of Women
by Barbara Morgan
In The Priesthood Power of Women, author Barbara Morgan Gardner explores teachings of the living prophets and scriptures to increase our understanding of God's power as it operates in the temple, the Church, and the family. Her well-documented research demonstrates that women have more authority and power in all those settings than they may have previously supposed.
In a compelling invitation to action, the author writes, "How will we as women use the priesthood power we have been endowed with in our homes, communities, and world if we don't know what it is, let alone how to call upon it?" This powerful book will help all members, especially women, more completely understand God's power and take full advantage of the powers, blessings, and privileges available to them in this mortal journey.
Tools for purposeful study
The Book of Mormon & New Testament Journal Editions
The new Journal Editions of the scriptures can help with both your daily study and your journaling efforts. All the text from The Book of Mormon and The New Testament—plus extra space in the margins—will give you a large canvas to express your thoughts, document insights you've received, or create your own visual art illuminations, or calligraphy, enhancing your daily study and creating a record that will endure.
The New Testament Family Reader
The New Testament Family Reader offers 5-minute study opportunities and will help your family learn about and discuss the mortal life and teachings of Christ and His Apostles, drawing you closer together as a family and closer to Christ. This abridged format suited for every age and stage of life makes meaningful scripture study an attainable goal for every family.
This book offers your family a simple yet meaningful way to learn more about Christ and His teachings. You will love how manageable, enjoyable, and enlightening New Testament family scripture study can be!
Music to set the tone
Love Abides
by The Bonner Family
The Bonner Family, a ten-member vocal group, continues their impressive rise in Christian music with their latest full-length album release. In 2018 they released an EP of original spiritual songs, and early in 2019 they released another EP of song written for the soundtrack to the acclaimed film Jane and Emma. This exciting new album combines sweeping orchestrations and rootsy spirituals to showcase their world-class vocal talent. Their sound is instantly classic, with roots in African-American spirituals and gospel music, but with a modern spin that gives them a fresh edge, a new vibrant energy in spiritual music. They are truly a one-of-a-kind musical force for good.
by Gérald Caussé and Nicolas Giusti
Nicolas Giusti (an acclaimed Italian composer and opera conductor from Rome) met Gérald Caussé (an accomplished pianist and native of Bordeaux, France) ten years ago. They became fast friends and bonded over their love of playing the piano and their shared faith. For this album, Nicolas composed five piano duet arrangements of classic hymns with the purpose of sharing the joy of the gospel. The level of talent on this album is truly magnificent, but what stands out most is the overwhelming feeling of joy that pours out from every note.
Let Us All Press On
by The Tabernacle Choir and orchestra at Temple square
The first hymns album from the Choir in seven years, Let Us All Press On, features beloved classics like "All Creatures of Our God and King" and "More Holiness Give Me." The rousing title track, "Let Us All Press On," is a fresh arrangement by Richard Elliott first performed after Russell M. Nelson's historic address by the same name in the spring of 2018.
Simple recipes to enjoy together
six ingredients with six sisters’ stuff
by Six Sisters’ Stuff
With only six ingredients or less per recipe, making dinner has never been easier.
Six Sisters’ Stuff is one of the most popular blogs for quick and easy cooking and entertaining at home for families. In their eighth cookbook, they tackle how to master meals for any cook with any skill level with more than 100 easy recipes made with incredible flavor combinations from just six ingredients or less.
From beginning cooks learning the basics to busy parents looking to save time in the kitchen, this cookbook is loaded with entrees, side dishes, and desserts. Whether it’s a one-pot wings dish or a no-bake peanut butter bar this cookbook is a fool-proof solution to meal planning and features “Kid Favorites” recipes.
Ideas for steadfast progression
Creating a Christ-Centered Home
by Emily Belle Freeman
Previously titled The Christ-Centered Home, this revised edition supports the new Come, Follow Me curriculum.
In the hectic scramble of a world that asks us to do everything, be everyone, and make it all look easy, we often lose track of the experiences that really matter most—quiet moments in our homes with our families when we feel the peace of Jesus Christ.
The lessons Jesus taught in the homes of His followers were simple. They were basic. And they were—and are—essential. In Creating a Christ-Centered Home, you will discover how to fill your family's hearts with the principles Jesus taught in the most sacred of classrooms: the home.
There is a humility that comes when we invite the Lord into our most private spaces. Within the hush we hear the gentle whisper of His voice, we experience the touch of His hand, and we feel the prompting to rise. Invite Him in, and experience the added measure of peace, strength, courage, and hope that comes when Jesus Christ becomes the central focus of your home.
A podcast for continued reflection
this is the gospel
The stories we tell matter. They can build our faith, help us empathize with others, demonstrate the true power of God in our lives, and help lead us to Christ. This Is the Gospel, a new LDS Living storytelling podcast hosted by KaRyn Lay, collects and shares personal stories that illustrate the challenges and triumphs of living in the latter days.
Delightful lessons for children
My book of mormon friends
written & illustrated by Alexis merrill
The Book of Mormon is full of great examples—ordinary people living in extraordinary ways. Although they lived hundreds of years ago, they aren't that different from you! Just like you, they lived in families, played, and worked hard.
My Book of Mormon Friends helps bring these characters and their attributes to life for young children who are just getting to know their stories and examples. As children read, they'll learn how they can be obedient like Sariah, brave like Abinadi, helpful like Ammon, strong like Nephi, and responsible like Mormon.