Go and Do! How to make the 2020 youth theme a part of your family
This year’s youth theme comes from 1 Nephi 3:7: Go and Do! We may be a few months into the year, but so much in our daily lives has changed. It's not too late to revisit this year's theme and see how it can be applicable to our youth in these trying times.
“And it came to pass that I, Nephi, said unto my father: I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded, for I know that the Lord giveth no commandments unto the children of men, save he shall prepare a way for them that they may accomplish the thing which he commandeth them.” (1 Nephi 3:7)
A favorite scripture for many of us, we want to see how we can better apply this message to our lives today. What does Go and DO mean when you’re a youth in 2020? And how can you go and do during times of uncertainty or times of trouble?
If you’re looking for at-home family lessons and activities, consider talking with your family about the youth theme and discussing ways to incorporate its message into your life. Here are a few questions you could ask:
How can Nephi’s response inspire us today?
What are some examples of the Lord asking us to Go and Do today?
Why is it important that we pay attention to personal revelation?
What are ways we can each become better at noticing personal revelation?
What can we do as a family to serve our neighbors right now?
Take some time to listen to Dave Butler’s talk on the 2020 theme. (Available on CD HERE or on BOOKSHELF PLUS+). Host of the popular YouTube channel Don’t Miss This, and author of bestselling youth books Redeemer and Almighty, Dave Butler has a relatable, engaging way of speaking with the youth that will inspire them to go forth while also helping them to feel heard and understood.
For more Go and Do messages your youth can hold on to throughout the day, take a look at a couple of jewelry pieces, wristbands, and prints they can use as uplifting reminders.
Petite silver or gold “Go & Do” charm necklace with scripture quote card and in clear gift envelope sleeve. Charm is 14m , brass with matte silver or gold plating and e-coating. Dainty silver or gold chain is 15-17″ adjustable.
These spiral bound journals bearing the 2020 theme for youth "Go and Do" are great for taking notes and writing down spiritual impressions.
Set this simple and beautiful print on a wall, bookshelf, or desk to remind your teen of the youth theme all year long.