11 Products to Prepare Your Heart for Easter
Celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ this Easter by contemplating His life and mission. These products are made to help you focus and center your home on Jesus Christ.
He Is Risen Easter Creche Set
Invite the spirit of Easter into your home with this Easter Creche set. The set includes Peter, John, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Mary (mother of Jesus), Joseph of Arimathea, tree and tomb pieces.
Holy Week Study Card Set
Each card is designed to enhance your study with a beautiful illustration, a brief description of an event from that day, recommended scriptures to read, and a question for you to ponder throughout the day.
The Holy Week
In this colorful picture book, learn about the events of Holy Week and find daily activities to do with your family to bring you closer to Christ.
Easter Peg Doll Set
Each wooden piece is crafted from high-quality materials in vibrant color. Figurines include Peter, John, Mary Magdalene, Jesus, Mary - Mother of Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea, an angel, and tomb pieces.
The Shepherd and the Lamb
In The Shepherd and the Lamb: Our Covenant Hope in Christ, Elder Gerrit W. Gong shares insights on these powerfully complementary, symbolic titles of the Savior.
The Immanuel Wreath
Every handcrafted wreath is engraved with twenty-five of His sacred names and features twenty-five taper candles to light in your own special advent tradition.
That I May Know Easter Diorama
Share the spirit of Easter with this beloved art piece in an easy-to-assemble 4-piece diorama from best-selling artist Kate Lee.
Troubled Heart Necklace
This lovely Kintsugi Heart Necklace is inspired by the Japanese art of putting broken pottery pieces back together with with gold lacquer, known as Kintsugi (金継ぎ, “golden joinery”), or Kintsukuroi (金繕い, “golden repair”). This dainty silver heart pendant features an engraved Kintsugi inspired crack that is filled with gold fill. It embraces the beauty of imperfect things- (“wabi sari”).
Celebrating a Christ-Centered Easter (Children's Edition)
This children's edition of Celebrating a Christ-Centered Easter will guide you through seven meaningful traditions inspired by the people closest to the Savior during His holy week.
The Redeemer
Take a musical journey through the major events in the Savior’s life and ministry, including His baptism, crucifixion, and resurrection. Walk with Him as He meets the woman at the well, raises Lazarus from the dead, shares the sacrament of the Last Supper with His disciples, endures a long, lonely night in Gethsemane, is crucified on Calvary, then rises triumphant on the third day.
Because of the Christ on Calvary
Brad Wilcox writes, "People can call it spring break if they want, but Easter will eternally be about the Christ on Calvary." Because of the Christ on Calvary, we can know that the creation, Fall, and Atonement are all part of an eternal plan for our progress and joy.